
Spirited Women Australia
Spirited Women Australia5 days ago
A day to celebrate difference and move towards a world free of bias, stereotypes, discrimination and gender bias. Let's empower one another.
Spirited Women Australia
Spirited Women Australia2 weeks ago
Art-making is great soul-medicine. It develops creativity, aids problem-solving, enhances wellbeing and it's fun. Need an uninterrupted day to connect with yourself art-making anyone can do? All art materials provided, and morning and afternoon tea. Caulfield South Community House, Sunday 2nd March. Bookings essential.
Spirited Women Australia
Spirited Women Australia2 weeks ago
Why isn’t eldership valued in our culture?
Spirited Women Australia
Spirited Women Australia2 weeks ago
Engaging in creative processes is good for the soul. Art-making and journaling are valuable tools for inner exploration, to express what is stirring within and develop new ways of thinking. No art experience is needed because it's not about the finished product. It's about being curious and listening to one's inner world and allowing that to take form through art-making.

#midjourney #CreativityUnleashed #artforwellbeing #womensupportingwomen
Spirited Women Australia
Spirited Women Australia2 weeks ago
Transitions are an inevitable part of life; relationships, work-life, health, career, finances etc. They are opportunities to change habits and start afresh. As one chapter closes another opens offering new beginnings. Join us in using creative processes to explore this theme. All art materials provided along with a delicious morning and afternoon tea. Bookings essential

#midlifewomen #midlifewomen #CreativityUnleashed #midjourney #artforwellbeing
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